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Gay Wedding Organisation Events


老实说,当同性恋社区聚在一起庆祝时,整个城市都知道!在同性恋活动和同性恋节日中肯定有一种特殊而独特的能量。最重要的是,这是与志同道合的人聚会并结交新朋友的绝佳机会。谁知道 - 你甚至可能会遇到你未来的伴侣!


Gay Pride 活动是最著名的 LGBTQIA+ 庆祝活动,并且在世界各地举行。这些令人难以置信的事件见证了同性恋社区聚集在一起,表达他们的声音并为平等权利而战。您会在下面的列表中找到一些最好的同性恋骄傲节。

但也有广泛的其他同性恋活动享受!其中包括同性恋音乐节、同性恋游行,甚至同性恋圣诞派对!您会在下面的列表中找到所有这些以及更多内容 - 包括同性恋婚礼业务,以帮助您计划最重要的活动!


克里斯蒂安 说:


我总是说,无论何时何地你选择悬挂彩虹旗 - 以一种让你过上最好的生活的方式这样做!没有比同性恋活动更好的机会了。




你可以看看布鲁塞尔的“La Demance”音乐节——有很多帅哥和 3 天的乐趣,这是一个放松的好机会!




当然 - 还有一些世界上最好的同性恋活动和同性恋节日可供选择。柏林或巴黎的恋物癖周、同性恋熊周末、福尔瑟姆音乐节——不胜枚举!我们的目标是不断添加到此页面,使其成为发现更多关于所有这些令人难以置信的事件的中心。






通过社交媒体或Holidays4Men 论坛(即将推出!)与我们联系。

Cristian says:


I always say, wherever and whenever you choose to fly the rainbow flag - do so in a way which lets you live your best life! There are few better opportunities to do this than at gay events.


My own favourite cities for gay events and pride events are places like London, San Francisco, Tel Aviv and Gran Canaria. But there are plenty of others!


You could check out the music festival ‘’La Demance’ in Brussels - with plenty of hot guys and 3 days of fun, it’s a great opportunity to let loose!


Perhaps you’re looking for a more active experience? There are many different ‘Gay Ski Week’ events throughout the winter months - including European Gay Ski Week, Aspen Gay Ski Week and others.


Of course - there are also some of the best gay events and gay festivals in the world to choose from. Fetish Week in Berlin or Paris, Gay Bear Weekend, Folsom Festival - the list goes on! Our aim is to continually add to this page so that it becomes THE hub to discover more about all of these incredible events.


Outdoor Event

Get Involved with Holidays4Men


The gay events and gay festival calendar is growing all the time! If you have an event you would like us to include in our guide, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!


Connect with us via social media or via the Holidays4Men forum (coming soon!).

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