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Young  Gay Couple Business men

Holidays4Men 如何帮助同性恋企业与理想受众建立联系

英国 LGBTQIA+ 企业的数量与日俱增。然而,虽然有专门为帮助少数族裔和女性企业主而设计的计划和学习机会,但类似的计划不适用于 LGBTQIA+ 拥有的企业。在Holidays4Men,我们想要改变这一点!



LGBTQIA+ 社区是一个庞大、有价值且不断增长的消费群体。然而,令人惊讶的是,就消费者行为而言,人们对这一群体知之甚少。事实上,向这个社区推销产品和服务是一个相对较新且尚未完全了解的现象。确实需要新的平台来帮助同性恋企业主接触志同道合的消费者。



Holidays4Men 是一个 LGBTQIA+ 和同性恋友好的网站,可以将您的企业与世界各地的本地和全球受众联系起来——无论规模、类型或位置如何。







无论您是经营商店、餐厅还是服务型企业,Holidays4Men 都可以帮助您将事情提升到一个新的水平。我们将明智地向国际和本地受众推销您的业务,提高品牌知名度,并最终提高销售额。

立即联系我们,了解 Holidays4Men 如何帮助您的同性恋业务蓬勃发展。


Holidays4Men 创始人致辞:





你是一个已经或想要创业的同性恋者吗?非常欢迎您在 Holidays4Men 上分享您的业务和提供的服务。”

A Message from the Holidays4Men founder:


“Since I first started Holidays4Men (gradually building the site, creating the content and taking care of the social media) I have been lucky enough to meet many fantastic people who really supported my idea and the business. However, I have also been unfortunate enough to have met people - outright homophobic people - who were the complete opposite of friendly and supportive.

As a fellow gay business owner, I understand the happiness you feel when you meet great people on your business journey, and I also feel your pain and disappointment when people try to put you down because of their homophobia.

That’s why I believe that it’s important to join hands and build a gay network - to help both ourselves and our businesses progress with strength and confidence.

Are you a gay guy who has - or wants to start - a business? You would be more than welcome to share your business and the services you offer on Holidays4Men.”

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